Sunday, May 8, 2011

corn beef hash w/potato and eggs

Alright, honestly I confess and say that this one isn't entirely from scratch--it's semi-home made (sandra lee would be proud), albeit this blog doesn't conclude with "cocktail time!" =)

It's also been a while since I've updated this thing--I introduced Mr. Fancy Pants Camera to my food blog world. What can I say? I dig kitchen bokeh. This should make for some very exciting food blogs up ahead. but anyway...

growing up, one of my favorite things to eat was corned beef hash with cubed potatos--straight from the can. There, I said it. Yes, canned. Who has time to make corned beef from scratch? I let the professionals do that, which is probably why it costs almost $3.00 a can. Now that I'm older and a little more knife savvy, I'm not shy to chop up onions and peppers to give this breakfast some texture and offer additional flavors. Add an egg (or two) and you've got a simple but good breakfast.

::gathering my raw materials::

1 can corned beef hash with diced potatos
2 eggs
diced onions, peppers, and/or garlic--or any other veggie you like to add to food
chile powder (to taste)
cumin (to taste)
ground pepper (to taste)

you really don't add salt to this dish. it's salty enough.


Chop your veggies and bring a medium frying pan to heat with a little cooking oil. Add your veggies and cook until they smell good. Add your can of hash, and mix in with the vegetables.

Add your seasonings, if desired. I enjoy my food a little spicy, so I added both chili powder and pepper (later on).

Make two (or more) indentations within the hash, and drop the eggs in.

drop your heat to low. Cover the frying pan so the eggs cook all around, for about 2-3 minutes. Remove lid and add more pepper (if desired).

Serve and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm....I can't remember the last time I had canned corned beef hash!! Oh the salty, salty goodness of it....
